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Welcome to Brecon High School
Brecon High School, Penlan, Brecon, Powys, LD3 9SR Tel: (01874) 622361 office@brecon-hs.powys.sch.uk Need to know! Term Dates Report Absences Holiday Application School Uniform News Our Vision Contact Us Fax: (01874) 624855
2001 - 2006

Welcome to Brecon High School


The curriculum experience for pupils attending Brecon High School has been developed to be as relevant, interesting and varied as possible. As pupils grow through the school, a wide range of opportunities are offered to them. Collectively, these enable pupils to develop into mature young adults. At the core of the school approach to the school curriculum is the development of pupil skills and the ability for these skills to be applied a range of issues. All Areas of Learning Experience (AOLEs) contribute directly to this provision and are responsible for the monitoring of how well pupils make progress each term.  


Nod y cwricwlwm a ddatblygwyd yn arbennig ar gyfer disgyblion Ysgol Uwchradd Aberhonddu yw cynnig profiadau dysgu sydd mor berthnasol, diddorol ac amrywiol â phosib. Ymdrecha’r ysgol i ddarparu yr ystod ehangaf posib o brofiadau addysgol cyfoethog er mwyn paratoi ein disgyblion ar gyfer eu dyfodol a datblygu unigolion aeddfed ac hyderus. Wrth wraidd y ddarpariaeth, mae’r egwyddor o ddatblygu sgiliau gydol oes y gellir eu defnyddio at ddibenion ehangach. Mae pob Maes Profiadau Dysgu yn cyfrannu'n uniongyrchol at y ddarpariaeth a dderbynnir ac yn gyfrifol am fonitro cynnydd disgyblion bob tymor.  

Brecon High School Vision Statement – Be The Best You Can Be

Every member of the school community is expected to be the very best they can be. Brecon High School’s key focus is to produce young adults that are confident to partake within society and make a positive difference to those around them. A core guiding principle that underpins this ambition is to encourage and develop personal resilience and responsibility amongst all pupils.

We believe in empowering pupils to take control of their own learning and to take ownership over how they learn as often as possible. By doing this, pupils will learn how to make good choices and also have the ability to thrive in a fast and ever-changing world.

By creating a learning environment that has high expectations of everyone – and by modelling the behaviour and standards that we expect from our pupils – we can provide the stepping-stones that bring dreams closer to reality.

“Don’t tell me to reach for the sky when there are footprints on the moon” – Paul Brandt

Gweledigaeth a Chenhadaeth Ysgol Uwchradd Aberhonddu – Anelwch at fod y gorau gallwch

Disgwylir i bob aelod o gymuned Ysgol UwchraddAberhonddu anelu at fod y gorau y gall. Trwy annog ac hybu dycnwch, dyfalbarhad ac uchelgais disgyblion, ein nod yw eu paratoi ar gyfer bywydau llawn ac i wasanaethu eu cymunedau yn oedolion cyfrifol ac hyderus.

Credwn mewn galluogi disgyblion i gymryd cyfrifoldeb a pherchnogaeth o’u dysgu eu hunain ar bob cyfle er mwyn eu harfogi i wneud dewisiadau doeth a datblygu hyblygrwydd mewn byd sy'n newid yn gyflym .

Trwy greu amgylchedd dysgu cadarnhaol a gosod disgwyliadau cyson ac uchel, credwn y gallwn alluogi pob disgybl i gyflawni ei wir botensial yn academaidd, yn ymarferol ac yn gymdeithasol er mwyn gwireddi ei uchelgais.

“Bach yw hedyn pob mawredd”

Richard Jenkins


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