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All students at Brecon High School enjoy a full and varied curriculum in line with national requirements. To maximise student achievement (help students do their best) we use a mix of setting and mixed ability groupings. A variety of teaching strategies, both traditional and modern, are employed, including whole class teaching, individual, paired and group work. ICT is used extensively in lessons to aid learning which is why all classrooms are networked.
Key Stage 3 (Years 7 – 9) The following subjects are offered to all students in English:
English Mathematics Science DT Computer Science PE RE History
Geography MFL Art Music Drama Welsh
Welsh Medium Education
Brecon High School promotes bilingualism. Indeed, Estyn have noted that “Bilingualism is a strength and is actively promoted throughout the school.” All students study Welsh until the end of Year 11. In addition students are offered the opportunity to study the majority of subjects through the medium of Welsh. Students follow the same curriculum as pupils in the English stream except that they study the following subjects through the Welsh Medium:
Cymraeg Science History Geography MFL Religious Education
Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11)
Compulsory subjects. All students study the following subjects:
English Mathematics Science Physical Education Welsh 2nd language The Welsh Baccalaureate at Intermediate Level
Option subjects. Students make a selection from the following GCSE Subjects:
Art and Design Motor Vehicle Triple Science Business Studies Construction Design and Technology GCSE
Maintenance Drama Music French Geography Computer Science History
PE (GCSE) Media Studies Health & Social Childcare Public Services Agriculture
Key Stage 5 (Years 12 & 13)
Compulsory subjects. All students study:
The Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Diploma
Optional subjects. Brecon High School is part of a Post-
English Design and Technology Mathematics Geography History Physics Biology Chemistry
Drama Health & Social Care BTEC Sport