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If your child is going to be absent from School we need to know!
Please ensure the School is informed before 8.45am. You can let us know by telephone on 01874 620353 or via our email address
‘Absence’ Online Tutor Timetable -
If you do not inform us then the absence will be marked as unauthorised.
If you know in advance that your child is going to be absent then you can inform us at the School on 01874 620353, in writing or just let RECEPTION know the dates/times.
Medical/Dental appointments
Written or verbal information must be provided, otherwise the absence will be recorded as unauthorised.
Why attendance matters!
Please be aware that any unauthorised attendance will be investigated by the School Attendance Officer & Education Welfare Officer.
What constitutes good attendance?
Attendance percentages are not like examination results: an attendance percentage needs to be in the high nineties before it can be considered good. Consider the following examples over the course of a school year (188 days).
10 days absence = 95% attendance = 50 lessons missed
20 days absence = 89% attendance = 100 lessons missed
29 days absence = 85% attendance = 145 lessons missed
38 days absence = 80% attendance = 190 lessons missed
47 days absence = 75% attendance = 235 lessons missed
Research states that having 20 (89%) days off school every year means that a pupil will probably obtain a whole grade lower in their exams than they are really capable of.
Pupils with less than 85% attendance are unlikely to gain 5 A*-
Please read the below advice if you are considering requesting a leave of absence for your child(ren) in term time.
Only the HeadTeacher or their representative can authorise absence
Leave of Absences taken without the permission of the school will be recorded as Unauthorised. An application for any leave of absence MUST be made on the request form at the bottom of the page.
Links & Downloads for more information about absence from School
Powys County Council guidance and information for parents about penalty notices and the code of conduct:
School term dates:
Download and complete this form (Or collect a copy from Reception) if you want to book time off during term time. Return back to the School BEFORE being absent from School: